The Following
are typical ingredients found in male enhancement
supplements like pills, patches and gum products.
if you are interested to learn more about any
particular ingredient then please let us know.
We have divided the ingredients list into three
Beneficial ingredients
that aid in increasing your penis size.
Three key ingredients that stimulate
male performance
Secondary ingredients
which are considered to be sexual stimulants
ranther than penis enhancers.
1. Ingredients that
are Beneficial and Recommended
Chen Pi

Chen Pi is a Chinese herb. Also dubbed as Pericarpium
Citri Reticulatae, the plant derivative offers
a wealth of health advantages. From the digestive
system, the reproductive system, Chen Pi helps
with the following conditions: interrupts hiccups,
ceases regurgitation, reduces cholesterol, releases
phlegm and eases other ailments. In terms of
a male enhancer, Chen Pi stimulates blood vessels
making for an extremely full-powered erection.
Shan yao

Shan yao goes by many aliases: the Chinese yam,
dioscorea and Rhizoma Dioscoreae. Although,
more than 750 species of the Chinese yam are
in existence, shan yao has many origins other
than China, including: Japan, Taiwan and Korea.
Shan yao nourishes and replenishes the body
with fluid. For men suffering from impotence,
the dynamic herb enables the body to produce
semen and energizes the body to perform.
Ren Shen

Ren Shen is commonly referred to as Radix Ginseng
and it is the Chinese equivalent of a wonder
herb. The extract boosts the mood, imparts vitality
and sharpens the brain. From insomnia, memory
loss, irritability to impotence, Ren Shen alleviates
a number unwanted symptoms. Scientific research
indicates that Ren Shen aids in the recovery
of degenerative and chronic disorders (diabetes,
Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, etc).

Catuaba has a longstanding reputation for being
an aphrodisiac. Some contend that it is the
most popular Brazilian sexual stimulant. Catuaba
relieves listlessness and boosts the body's
physiological strength. Overwhelming reports
accredit catuaba with being a potent libido
rejuvenator. At present date, there are not
any documented side effects of the herb. The
combination of muira puama and catuaba makes
for an unbelievable natural male enhancement.
Muira Puama

Muira Puama is referred to in Latin as Liriosma
ovata or "potent wood." In the Amazon,
these trees grow up to 15 feet in height. Both
the roots and bark are extracted for therapeutical
purposes. The indigenous people ingest the herb
to ease sexual dysfunctions. To many, muira
puama is the improved version of Yohimbe. At
the UCLA School of Medicine, the potent wood
was studied. Findings showed the herb to drastically
improve erectile performance.
Rou Cong Dong

Rou cong rong, or as its called cistanche salsa,
is a Chinese herb known for it sexually stimulating
energies. Rou cong rong is best combined with
other Chinese herbs such as of Muira Puama and
epimedium. These are popular but natural supplements
for treating impotence.
Wu Wei Zi

Wu Wei Zi is also known as Schizandra Fructus.
Scientific research suggests that the fruit
possesses properties similar to Asian ginseng.
According to laboratory studies, wu wei zi promotes
work productivity, leverages strength and keeps
the mind alert. The herb is used to maximize
semen production, provide vitality, and help
the body produce other fluids. Moreover, wu
wei zi is highly recommended for those who wish
to unleash their libido.

Guarana is derived from South America. The herbal
extract possesses a natural element of caffeine,
referred to as guaranine. Double the strength
of a cup of coffee, guarana affords three underlying
health benefits. First, guarana infuses the
body with pure energy. Then, it works like an
appetite suppressant. And, for people who suffer
from joint pain, guarana relieves sore and achy
Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea has been dubbed as the "new
ginseng." Rhodiola rosea root is traceable
to Eastern Siberia. With its host of health
benefits, it wards off fatigue, improves mental
acuity, physical stamina and improves general
wellness. The herb has been used to maximize
physical and mental endurance. Clinical trials
have shown that rhodiola rosea improved endurance
within an hour of physical performance. In both
genders, the herb has been found to improve
desire and sexual responsiveness.
Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is a medically accepted therapy
in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand
and Spain for reducing the indications of benign
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The symptoms of
BPH start with the difficulty in initiating
urination, perpetual urination, a feeble urinary
stream and waking up several times throughout
the night to relieve oneself. Saw palmetto works
effectively in the shrinkage of the prostate.
With all the male-friendly benefits of saw palmetto,
it's easy to see how effective the natural supplement
works. More importantly, it is 100% free of

Ginseng provides well being for most people.
In Eastern Europe and Russia, it is a popularly
used supplement. Ginsenosides is an active ingredient
of ginseng. Scientific researchers studied the
effect of Korean red ginseng against erectile
dysfunction. The clinical trial showed that
Panax ginseng helps boost sperm volume and motility.
This potent herb has also been identified in
improving stamina, endurance and sexual performance.

Niacin is a nutrient necessity. The vitamin
supports how the body consumes and releases
energy. In terms of a sexual stimulus, niacin
plays a key role. Since niacin helps the body
dilate blood vessels, it enhances blood flow
to the penis. Additionally, niacin helps the
body produce sex and stress related hormones.

Maca Root Extract is often touted as the natural
alternative to Viagra. The botanical name for
the maca root is Lepidium meyenii. Based on
the findings of several clinical trials, the
herb goes well beyond a male enhancement. The
maca root has been shown to conjure sexual aspirations.
Other studies show the extract to raise sperm
count. When maca is used in conjunction with
horny goat weed, it delivers sheer excitement
and peak performance.
Nettle Leaf

Nettle Leaf is also labeled urtica dioca, in
botanical terms. The micronutrient dense plant
has a longstanding reputation in natural health.
After battle with the British, the Romans would
rub the leaves over their entire body. Since,
nettle leaf replenishes circulation, it eases
blood flow to the penis, ensuring a raging erection.

Sarsaparilla, in conjunction with ginkgo, makes
for an intoxicating sexual stimulant. As the
herb is a diuretic, it enables ginseng and ginkgo
to travel expediently to the sexual organs.
As the herb intensifies erogenous sensations,
it innately heightens circulation, maximizing
the girth of the penis.
Licorice Root 

Licorice root treats an assortment of medical
conditions. Used as a topical treatment as well
as an oral medication, in the body, licorice
eases the following: coughs, eczema, psoriasis
and herpes. It even prevents ulcers and helps
treat chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). As men
afflicted with CFS generally lack certain adrenal
hormones, licorice imitates the role of these
hormones, reinforcing the sexual functionality.
Garcinia Cambogia 

Garcinia grows from the native tree Garcinia
Cambogia. The herb is rich in Vitamin C. For
its ability to reduce the formation of bad cholesterol,
and control weight, Garcinia is considered a
cocktail for the heart. In Europe, the United
States and Japan, garcinia cambogia is touted
as a powerful dieting aid.

The herbal sexual aphrodisiac, Damiana can be
traced back to the Mayans. Derived from an aromatic
but diminutive shrub, the plant grows abundantly
in Central America Mexico, Southern California,
and southern Texas. Damiana or in botanical
terms, turnera aphrodisiaca supplements sexual
stimulations in a number of ways. Foremost,
it fuels energy and oxygenates the genital area.
In terms of impotency, damiana intensifies virility
and stamina.

Fo-ti has a number of aliases. In Latin, it
is called Polygonum multiflorum. Its other references
include: Flowery Knotweed, He-Shou-Wu, Chinese
Knotweed, Kashuu and climbing Knotweed. Fo-ti
offers a plethora of health advantages. For
starters, the herb alleviates fatigue, constipation
and stimulates the growth of healthy hair. Since,
Fo-ti detoxifies the body, it naturally works
as a sexual stimulant. Overwhelming reports
document it a potent male enhancement.
Gotu Kola 

Gotu kola is referred to as Hydrocotyle asiatica
in pharmaceutical terms. First discovered in
the Far East (India, Indonesia and China), over
the centuries, gotu kola has been used to maximize
sexual energy and stamina. The plant extract
is acclaimed for its impact on tissue. It has
been found to ease tissue inflammation, build
collagen, remove infection and restore venous
insufficiency. It also helps the body build
collagen. As a result, it supports circulation
in the veins, tissues, and capillaries of the

Taurine transpires naturally in muscles, the
brain, retina and heart. Taurine supplementation
is recommended for vegetarians. Foods rich with
l-taurine include animal products and seaweed.
Scientific studies show that taurine helps patients
who are recovering from congestive heart failure.
Other clinical trials suggest that taurine reduces
blood pressure in patients diagnosed with hypertension.
Oat Straw

Oat straw has many references: Avena sativa
or groats. Oat grows best on heavy soil in meadows
and in arid wastelands. Gaining popularity as
the ultimate penis booster, the natural compounds
of oat straw are formulated to drastically support
sexual stamina. It works as a muscle stimulant,
allowing for hours of sensual pleasure in men
and women. The plant derivative invigorates
the motor ganglia, which in turn maximizes muscle
sensitivity, making for more excitability.
Hawthorn Berry 

Hawthorn Berry or the botanical name, Crateagus
oxycanthus is heart healthy. Since, it is administered
for a number of heart related diseases (i.e.,
angina, cardiac arrhythmia, arteriosclerosis
and congestive heart), the natural herb strengthens,
stabilizes and supports the aortic system. In
fact, in the United Kingdom, hawthorn berry
is deemed not only safe but also valuable in
warding off the preliminary stages of heart
disease. Moreover, hawthorn berry does wonders
on the circulatory system blood vessels and
coagulated blood, which directly affects the
volume of girth.
Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris provides a host of medicinal
therapies. Dating back to ancient Chinese medicine,
the herb has been taken to ease headaches, quell
the liver, and alleviate premature ejaculation.
It works by relaxing the smooth muscles and
increasing blood flow into the corpus cavernosa
to fend off erectile dysfunction and enhance
2. Three
Ingredients that Stimulate Male Performance

L-arginine is probably the most heart healthy
amino acid in existence. The substance plays
a leading role in raising nitric oxide levels
in the body. As arginine supplements elevate
nitric oxide levels, it enables the penis to
achieve an erection.
Clinical studies prove the effectiveness of
l-arginine. Scientific researchers administered
a study using l-arginine. Fifty men, afflicted
with erectile dysfunction, were given l-arginine
or a placebo for more than a month. The findings
showed that the study group using arginine experienced
a noticeable improvement in sexual performance.
In a different study group, men with low testosterone
levels were given l-arginine. More than two-thirds
of the participants had substantial improvements.
Other researchers contend that arginine not
only helps trigger a reliable erection, but
also boosts the libido.
Case Studies in Arginine and Yohimbe
To test the effects of a nitric oxide enhancer
with yohimbe for erectile dysfunction, researchers
used arginine, a natural amino acid. Forty-five
men participated in the clinical trial. During
the double blind, placebo-controlled assessment,
some men were given the combination of yohimbe
(6 mg) and arginine (6g) -- or yohimbe with
a placebo (alone). They were instructed to use
the natural male enhancements two-hours prior
to intimacy.
The findings proved without a doubt that yohimbe
and arginine drastically promote better erections
in men who suffer from erectile dysfunction.
The same research findings were reported in
the publication of European Urology (2002; 41:608-13).
According to this clinical study, dual action
of yohimbe and arginine for the treatment of
erectile dysfunction is mutually as effective
as Viagra®.
In conclusion, both medical trials demonstrated
that yohimbe and arginine require single dose
administration before intercourse and these
natural male enhancement supplements are just
as powerful as prescribed medications.

While bioperine does not promote sexual performance,
it helps other supplements such as Yohimbe and
L-arginine work better. Natural supplements
and vitamins are effective when absorbed in
the body. Without the help of bioperine, the
body is unable to reap the nutritional benefits
of these natural supplements. In the end, bioperine
assures the bioavailability of how other nutrients
are released into the body.
Yohimbe lives up to its reputation. As far as
natural male enhancements are concerned, yohimbe
has been dubbed as the "herbal Viagra®,"
in the February 1999 edition of Environmental
Nutrition. Aside from its sexually stimulating
powers in treating impotence, improving stamina
and increasing libido, Yohimbe has antioxidant
properties-too. The potent trees bark extract
is fueled with alkaloids.
At the University of Stanford, researchers studied
the efficacy of Yohimbe on male participants.
The findings were amazing. Within an hour of
taking the aphrodisiac, more than 90 percent
of the volunteers experienced successful sexual
Yohimbe works on women-as well. This effective
sex enhancer works because it intensifies the
circulation of blood in the genitals. (People
with other medical conditions should consult
a physician before using Yohimbe).
However we believe that the negative side effects
of Yohimbe outweight the positives, which include:
increased heart rate and blood pressure, and
even kidney failure. We recommend staying
away from this ingredient as does the FDA.
Secondary Ingredients that are more of a sexual
stimulant than a penis enhancer
Velvet Bean

Velvet Bean is known by several names: mucuna
pruriens and cowage cowitch. As a relative of
the legume family, this plant is comprised of
three leaflets and has pods with three to six
massive black seeds. Barbed hair referred to
as, "trichomes" resides in velvet
bean pods. These prickly fibers induce an extremely
unpleasant stinging sensation to the skin.
Cayenne pepper contains the chemical Capsaicin.
Prevalently, used in ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic
medicines, cayenne remedies a number of health
conditions. Although, it may aid blood flow
in the penis, ingestion over an extended time
span can cause ulcers.
Oyster Meat Extract

Oyster Meat Extract has a reputation for
enhancing virility. Over the millenniums, humans
have consumed or ingested oyster meat as an
aphrodisiac. Despite oyster meat extracts health
conducive ingredients: iodine, phosphorus, and
zinc, it is quite often contaminated. Several
reports have identified hepatitis A virus (HAV)
in oyster meat extracts.

Zinc offers both beneficial and detrimental
health effects. In one way, the supplement helps
the body ward off disease and infection. On
the contrary, zinc usage overtime has been found
to interrupt the way the body absorbs other
nutrients. Not to mention, constant intake of
zinc can impair the immune system, promote regurgitation,
nausea and diarrhea.

Solidilin in conjunction with zinc is promoted
as a male enhancement herb. Other marketing
materials tout Solidilin as a cardiovascular
booster. In terms of improving testosterone
production, a study at the School of Pharmaceutical
Sciences at the University of Science Malaysia
tested the supplement on middle-aged rats only.
There is not any conclusive evidence that solidilin
improves sexual performance in humans.
Reishi Mushroom

The Reishi mushroom is lauded in ancient Chinese
medicine for its multiple health treatments.
Associated with reducing blood pressure, detoxifying
blood, the Fu Zhen herb possesses a few negative
features. When the Reishi mushroom is consumed
or congested for more than three months, it
triggers unpleasant adverse effects: gastrointestinal
distress, dry mouth, dizziness, achy bones and
skin irritation.

Taj is a rare natural ingredient. When mixed
with Apigenin, arjuna and safflower, Taj helps
increase blood flow to the penis. Taj and safflower
work in conjunction because they widen blood
vessels, encouraging better circulation through
the penis.
Safflower is a polyunsaturated fat. When used
in moderation, safflower it does not pose any
health concerns. However, scientific research
shows that too much safflower in conjunction
with other oils (i.e., canola, vegetable) is
unhealthy. In fact, studies show a heightened
risk of the following chronic diseases: heart
disease cancer, impaired sexual organs, weight
gain, dulled cognitive thinking, weight gain
and more.

Musli is the Indian equivalent of ginseng. Dubbed
as the herbal Viagra, Musli is effective for
both genders-men and women. The disadvantage
of this extraordinary potent is herb is that
it tends to contain high levels of toxicity.

Momordica is also known as a "bitter melon."
The popular fruit is common in tropical climates,
including: the Caribbean, the Amazon, as well
as certain regions of Asia and East Africa.
Momordica charantia is associated with treating
various conditions, topically: infections, wounds
and sores. Due to momordica's hypoglycemic properties,
it is not for everyone.

Shatavari is a supplement, known to rejuvenate
vitality, mental acuity and physical wellness.
Some users report shatarvi to improve the volume
of reproductive fluids. But, despite all the
positive effects of shatarvis, users should
be aware of its negative side events. It causes
weakness and general debility-quite the opposite
effects of virility.

Apigenin has few published reports regarding
its effects on male performance. Apigenin is
classified as a potent flavonoid or antioxidant
found in chamomile tea. It possesses both sedative
and tranquil promoting qualities-which maybe
an unwanted mindset in seductive situations.

Amla (Emblica Officinalis) is highly effective
antioxidant, abundant in vitamin C. The botanical
defends cells from free radical damage, helps
treat respiratory infections and possesses anti-aging
properties. Use amla with caution; as, it also
works as a laxative.

Drilizen controls the release of nitric oxide.
In turn, this prolongs the duration of an erection.
While, drilizen expedites the time it requires
the penis to reach an erection, the safety of
its active ingredient, protodioscin remains

Arjuna offers energy, vitality and boosts sexual
stimulation. Ideal for men and women, arjuna
is reported to intensify sexual pleasure. On
the downside, arjuna has not been tested for
interactions with other medications and over-the-counter
drugs. Also, the adverse effects of arjuna are
Bladderwrack (Fucus Vesiculosus) is an algae
or kelp. Used medicinally for centuries, bladderwrack
stimulates the thyroid as a therapy to ward
off cellulite and obesity. The herb contains
an exorbitant amount of iodine and elevates
the metabolism. People who suffer from thyroid
conditions should consult a physician before
using. Since there are not many studies regarding
the safety of bladderwrack, this herb should
be taken with caution.
In one sense, cordyceps sinensis is a man's
strengthening and calming agent. On the other
hand, cordyceps triggers other unwanted adverse
events: a waning sex drive, aching in the lower
back and knees and even impotence. As for women,
dizziness, insomnia and excessively frequent
menstrual cycles are the reported side effects.
Gingko Biloba 

Ginkgo has a 1000-year reputation. Commonly,
the herb is used to boost blood flow to the
brain. Many aging people use ginkgo biloba to
alleviate cerebral insufficiency, treat depression
and interrupt memory loss. But, ginkgo is not
recommended for anyone who takes aspirin, uses
blood thinners or who suffers from seizures.
Semen Cuscutae 
Cuscuto Seed Extract-Semen Cuscutae- is the
proposed active ingredient to maximize penis
size and sexual performance. Although, the extract
has been reported to enhance male virility,
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) contends
that there is not any evidence proving the effectiveness
of cuscuto seed extract-semen cuscutae.
Jatropha macrantha 

Over the centuries, both the Peruvians and Bolivians
have used the Jatropha macrantha to heighten
the libido. Not many side effects are reported
with the ingredient. Alternatively, it is unclear
whether the same amount, type of jatropha macrantha
found in male enhancements is enough to actually
improve sexual vitality.

Longjack Root is a unique yet potent herb, touted
as the "secret" of Malaysia. It has
earned a reputation for being an herbal aphrodisiac.
Unfortunately, the side effects of longjack
root induce restlessness and an impaired sexual
drive making it quite difficult for the user
to reap the benefits of longjack root. Beware;
longjack root causes insomnia and impatience.
Astragalus is a natural immune system booster.
An herb commonly used in ancient Chinese medicine,
astragulus has been reported to improve limb
paralysis, numbness, as well as endurance. However,
caution is advised. With astragalus, contaminants
and inaccurately labeled products are common.
As a result, many supplemental products do not
contain adequate amounts of astragalus to reap
the benefits.